Worship at Christ Our Savior’s churches
You will be greeted by friendly people and a beautiful space for worship. Before worship commences be invited to talk with others or to pray silently.
A greeter or usher will provide a worship bulletin to facilitate your participation in worship.
A music prelude, typically on the organ invites congregation to prepare for worship to begin and conversation with others is silenced.
Worship liturgy begins with pastoral welcome.
The scriptures witness singing in heaven, our worship features singing together and responsively with music that is inclusive of every age and ability.
We believe that liturgy facilitates a unity of all generations of family worshiping together before the Lord.
Weekly worship includes celebrating the Sacrament of the Altar, also known as Eucharist or Holy Communion.
We believe the Sacrament of the Altar is the Lord’s meal, therefore it is served to all who are Baptized and seek to receive the Lord Jesus.
We exchange a sign of Christ’s peace with each other witnessing Christ’s peace offered in John’s Gospel. Typically a sign of Christ’s peace is a handshake or hug, however needs for space is respected; a hand wave or other tacit acknowledgement is welcome too. Simply inform others how best to extend a sign of Christ’s peace .
Youth and children are invited to participate in worship along with adults. There is a brief children’s message during worship
Worship is about sixty minutes long including announcements.
Questions about attending worship can be directed to the church office.